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Applying for licenses

Below you can read how the license application procedure works. Please read this carefully before e-mailing us with any questions.

License 1
The official KNVvL license 1 must be applied for through the KNVvL and costs € 30 including aspiring membership for one year of the KNVvL. We emphasise that you can only participate in the national theory exam for license 2 if you are a member of the KNVvL. To become a member, we refer to the website of the KNVvL.

License 2 launch method tow and/or mountain
You must apply for the internationally recognised License 2 at the KNVvL. To be able to do this you must have passed the national license 2 theory exam, have successfully completed the mandatory task list and be in possession of an airworthiness certificate for tow and/or mountain. You can request this statement from the school where you received your training. Paragliding Holland provides this statement to pilots who we believe are ready to fly independently in a safe way.

License 3 launch method tow and/or mountain
You can also apply for the internationally recognised certificate 3 at the KNVvL. To be able to do this, you must have passed the national license 3 theory exam and you must meet the practical requirements for license 3. For an overview of the practical requirements, we refer to the screen flying regulations that you can download from the KNVvL website.